Wednesday, December 16, 2009

16 december.. Do you Know??

Arguably the greatest day in historical importance for Indian Forces ... December 16 is celebrated as 'Vijay Divas' (Victory Day) as on this day in 1971 Indian armed forces defeated Pakistan that resulted in the creation of Bangladesh.The 13-day war ended on December 16 when General AAK Niazi of Pakistan (Commanding Officer East Pakistan) signed unconditional instrument of surrender before India's Lt. Gen. Jagjit Singh Aurora at Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh. Around 1 lakh Pakistani armed forces personnel were taken as prisoners of war (including some government officials ). It was the biggest surrender of armed forces by any country after World War 2. It is a saga of valour, a military classic scripted and presented to the Indian people by Indian commanders and troops. The surrender Document -

I woke up in morning , Glanced through (e-papers) three most circulated English newspapers of India viz. Times Of India , The Hindu , Hindustan Times .To my surprise , All three of them had no coverage of this historical day . In contrast (Pakistan`s leading Newspapers ) Dawn , The Nation presented exclusive editorials in defense of Pakistani forces even covering up for crimes committed by Pakistani forces in pre-war months. Pakistan celebrates 6th of September as its National Defense Day (Army Holiday) when Indian forces were halted in attempt to capture Lahore city when Indian forces had already gained 360 sq. km. of Pakistani territory on the Lahore front ,thanks to 3 Jat's capture of Batapore and Dograi. But the fact that Lahore was saved that day with Pakistan putting maximum effort of forces ,It is one of the most celebrated days of Pakistan .But in contrast , India`s major victory is still a day unknown to Indian masses (especially youth born after 1971 ). Even after 39 years, this day has still lot of potential to offer. In the abiding shame of disaster in Mumbai’s 26/11 (2008), the glory of Bangladesh 16/12 (1971) can serve to rekindle hope in the people of India, especially the younger generation. Even keeping focus off from neighbors ,If we look that face that Indian Defense forces ( Army Navy , Airforce ,CRPF ,BSF , .... ) are short of officers in excess of 20,000 (Excluding personal below officers rank ), narration of our heroics with Vijay Diwas can inspire youths to join forces and install a feelings of patriotism and nationalism . Responsibility is on Government ,Media and all of us . But Indian Media is too busy catching up and reprinting western media reports of Tiger woods sex life... Wake Up.....


Anonymous said...

Indian media is well criticized in the last line.

Shaun said...

Thanks but why Anonymous comment??

@k@nk$h@ said...

Indian media is busy fetching moneyyy.....
good tat u shared !

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Shaun said...

Thanks but why again Anonymous comment??

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TurbulentTranquility said...

Couldn't have conveyed it better. You may also want to consider though - the media sells what it knows will sell with the audience. Most people aren't interested in knowing the historical relevance of a date when the alternative is entertainment news. It's almost like a vicious circle and a sad reality but reality nonetheless!

Op Red Eagle said...

I've done a post on photos related to the 1971 war. Do check it out

sezan92 said...

bt the war wasnt for 13 days!! it took 9 months!!!

Shaun said...

Well Dude.. India took just 13 days.. So it was just 13 days war between India and Pakistan .. Between Bangladesh and Pakistan it was 9 months .. Or even ever sice 14 Aug 1947