Thursday, July 10, 2008

Facts and Distortion

Few dayz back i saw the news that "India to move to #2 in mobile phone users" just behind China .Even more relevant, is the fact that India is estimated to have the fastest growth rate in this market — including China — which means that other sectors that rely on mobile phones, like banking, are likely to grow substantially as well.
But then i just looked into net as what are the penetration of users in India as compared to other developed or developing countries.... Here is the data....
  • Country Population Mobile Users Percentage
  • India 1,129,866,154 272,710,000 24.1
  • China 1,323,758,000 592,000,000 42.6
  • USA 303,403,000 260,000,000 76.8
  • Pakistan 162,474,000 86,698,000 53.9
  • Canada * 33,177,900 17,017,000 51.3
*Data for canada is 1 year back than others....

Now above list shows percentage Pakistan mobile users to be double than India and more than china and even Canada .
Now even if i assume Pakistan’s similar economic status and similar development of the telecommunications market, it would be fair to assume a similar tele density as of India (may be there is more of urban population but again India has lot more percentage of service class people with greater purchasing power..

Infact in in pakistan this data is computed to total no of mobile no issued either active or inactive including muntiple SIM (as compared to active subscriptions in India and other countries) just to show a wrong belief that mobile economy is growing at very high rate. Great job done........

just another thought..........the the rapid growth of such services in developing countries signifies the failure of governments in providing essential infrastructure.....
Anyways who cares much .......... just look at the this pic . looks interesting

For those who couldn't read whats written in pic....."People get their mobiles recharged from generator as a regular practice"

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